Help us to strengthen human rights for all afghanistans around the world.

The Afghanistans have been facing many challenges and violation of human rights during forty years of war and chronic poverty. We are a right based organization, operating for more than 20 years in Afghanistan in different sectors. Our ability to continue our mission is assisted by our strong local roots, our reputation for impartiality and the generosity of our donors. Currently, we are focus in two main projects to tackle humanitarian crisis:

  • Afghan Diaspora Engagement in Development Cooperation
  • Policy Advocacy and Outreach



Policy Advocacy & Outreach

We are engaged in policy advocacy in Sweden, the European Union and the United Nations. Through our expertise and information from Afghanistan, we effectively lobby for more resources to address the real needs and priorities of Afghan people, including refugees and migrants in Sweden and EU.

Since 2021, our advocacy strategy has been reviewed and the priority is to ensure the current humanitarian crisis is addressed properly and to make sure the assistance is reaching the neediest people, for that we need a transparent mechanism.

Our work is focussed on key advocacy themes: which the international community, particularly EU and member state response to Afghanistan crises, on urgent humanitarian assistance, protection, resettlement and human rights atrocities in Afghanistan.

COnference BRD


Get inspired, get involved, become a donor and give a family a fair chance to succeed. DONATE

We are currently unable to accept donations by credit card. We are working to make this option available as soon as possible.

To donate, please contact us at info@brd.org.af.

Thank you for your understanding at this difficult time!

BRD Team