BRD believes that the marginalized and poor have the potential capacity and knowledge to overcome extreme poverty and enjoy their rights. Sensitizing people to their rights and organizing them around solidarity and campaigning  to increase their collective strength, will inspire them to seek right- based alternative to confront and challenge the structural causes of poverty and injustices. To reach to this aim, the HRBA programming is a fundamental pillar of our effort to build a society that is just and free from poverty, where everyone enjoys life with dignity. The concept of our theory of change is based on our understanding that most people are socially and economically poor and marginalized. BRD also believe social exclusion is an outcome of multiple human rights violations, and it is about exclusion from and unequal access to and control over resources;

Through HRBA we empower  people through knowledge, kills and information and support them for their meaning fully participation in decision-making will give them ablity to control over resources. BRD see the transformational change, as projecting its vision of fairness, equity and rights, which means the target communities and local CSOs with whom we engage and works, acquiring and get empowered to realize their rights with dignity, communities particularly women and poor and marginalized people gaining confidence, capabilities and hope, in the place of hopelessness and exclusion.



The human rights-based approach to poverty eradication and development lies at the very heart of BRD’s work. BRD’s approach to poverty eradication starts with the connection between poverty and human rights, from the perspective of people living in poverty. As a rights-based development organization, BRD understands needs as the basis for claiming human rights, and supports marginalized people in their efforts to claim their rights.

BRD development programming are fully complement HRBA as we promote the development interventions that address both the demand and supply side, meaning the state as well as the people: empowering right-holders to know, claim, access and realize their rights. As state is with the obligations is primary duty-bearers under international law, however there other non state actors, the also hacve the responsiblities toward the rights holders, we target each using varies startegies, to keep them accountable. HRBA is also serve as the effective tool in our advoacy starategey for our policy advoaccy work at the national and international platform.

Our process of social change is founded on the HRBA principles and our rights-based development programming. We ensure our empowerment and awareness building programmes engage both people living in poverty and duty bearers to facilitate dialogue. We identify, analyze, and confront power basis that exclude and marginalize women and man, and in general the poor. We work in partnership with local CSO and community-based organization to harness their knowledge and skills to reach to the larger constituents; and with other stakeholders both at the national and sub-national level to leverage and influence policies, decisions, and to promote the state’s commitment to human rights and sustainable development to facilitate setting the ground for sustainable change.


The Bureau for Rights Development (BRD) is an experienced rights-based development organization. Our strong organization structure and approach ensures program effectiveness and efficiency in achieving maximum benefits and results.
Since the development aid is a limited resource, which needs to be spent as effectively as possible in order to achieve results. Eradicating poverty and achieving strong, inclusive, sustainable and pluralistic society is the core aims of BRD rights based development agenda. As national organisation BRD is committed to fully align its programs and approaches with the international principles and best practices, to ahcieve local ownership. Ensuring meaningful participation of local civil society and communities to help alleviate poverty and strengthen national resilience. Empower local communities through more effective delivery of development cooperation programs. BRD has fullly mainsreamed relevant international agreed principles and commitments its programs and policies, to improve effectivenes of aid and development cooperation; such as 2005 Paris Declaration, the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action, the 2011 Busan Outcome Document.
BRD has fuly alligned its programs with the national strategey and proirties, those indentified through a bottom-up particpatory process, ensuring the leadership and ownership of the state, and communities at the local level. Through its rights based approach BRD is empowering local communities and civil socity to promote accountalbity and transparancy of the pulic instituions and other services providers, at the natioanl and local goverancne level. Furthermore BRD development coopration programs are aligned to fully contribut to the reializaiton of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Finally for ensuring its own accountablity, transparancy sustainablity, to delvery effective developmen cooperation programs with increased capacity, BRD has adopted an startegic objective which focused on imporving BRD internal organisation, policies and process, to ensure transparancy, accoutnablity and sustainablity of organisation in relaization of our aim, mission and committmetns.


Gender: BRD considers gender mainstreaming as an integrated component of its RBA in both the context of internal organization structures and roles, as well as in our operation. This includs female representation in all its operation. Through gender analysis, identify the different needs, interests, rights, and opportunities of women, men, boys, girls, their different roles, the level of power they hold in their communities and the impact of these differences on their lives are examined. The result are incorporated in the program strategey to ensure that the root causes of the gender inequalities are addressed. Adopt disaggregated indicators in the program result framework to monitor against and measure the results of gender mainstreaming. Collect gender and age-disaggregated data of output and outcome throughout program to know the result of gender mainstreaming. Gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation is carried out to know that the program have created gender inequalities and to know the potential impact.

Envoironment: BRD systematically integrate environment into the operation and programs/project, both in design, implementation and evaluation, including its impact assessment. BRD established Environment Management System (EMS) , consisting of key processes i.e. identifying significant environmental aspects and impacts of the organization; Communicating EMS information for employee competency, and monitoring and evaluating environmental performance and compliance.

For integration and follow-up, the environmental prospective in program and projects, we  uses the following tools: 1. Identify key environmental risks, in the target areas and who is affected and how? including the  identification of  key mitigation measure to be included in the program/project strategy. 2. Conduct  Environmental Impact Analyze (EIA) to identify positive or negative impact of the program/project on the environment and vis versa. 3. How can we make adjustments to our program/project to reduce the negative impact and increase the positive impact on the environmental risks.

Conflict Sensitivity: Conflict sensitivity focusing on the elements causing or triggering the conflict, an assessment of the power relations. BRD is committed to be fully impartial in our work. We treat our target groups as active agents of change and work with them as partners rather than recipients with the aim to facilitate change rather than impose it. We work together to identify solutions to local issues. Applying the conflict sensitivity approach in the BRD work means basically understanding the relational framework in which the BRD programs and projects operate, interact and impact with the aim to avoid creating negative impact. Thus, conflict sensitivity approach applies to all contexts, regardless of the level of tensions and violence. Hence, it is important for BRD to ensure that the  development programming is sensitive to conflict factors. Furthermore BRD has fully adopted the principles of Do NO HARM which is the key tool for conflict sensitizing the projects and programs i.e. analyzing dividers and connectors to helps bringing an understanding of the context for program delivery.


BRD believe that poverty is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon; stemming from systemic barriers and discrimination, depend not only on the lack of resources, because, even when resources are available, but access to them is also often denied to the poor because of who they are, where they live, or sometimes simply because of neglect and lack of concern. BRD’s approach to poverty eradication starts with the connection between poverty and human rights. In Afghanistan context BRDs response is consisting of multi-dimensional approach, with key examples 1) Power and Voice; empowering of the target to clime their rights and promoting their participation in the decision making; 2) Resources; providing livelihood opportunities to man and women with sustainable livelihood program; 3) Opportunities and Choice; Supporting boys and girls education and professional development of youth.


As the rights-based organization, we are committed for our action to contribute towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are fully aligned within our organization 5 years strategic plan (2021-25).  The achieved result in 2023 through the program delivery based on the organization strategic objectives were relevant to the key targets of the bellow SDGs.


Humaniterian Principles

The principles provide the foundation of our action and its govern the way our humaniterian response is carried out:

  • Humanity: Human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found. The purpose of humanitarian action is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings.
  • Neutrality: Humanitarian actors must not take sides in hostilities or engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
  • Impartiality:Humanitarian action must be carried out on the basis of need alone, giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress and making no adverse distinction on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political opinion.
  • Independence:Humanitarian action must be autonomous from the political, economic, military or other objectives that any actor may hold with regard to areas where humanitarian action is being implemented.


BRD align the Core Humaniterian Standards with with its internal procedures and uses it as basis for performance verification, assessment, evaluation, or other aspects of accountability. Fully intergrade SPHERE minimum standards in our response:B

Core Standard 1: People-centred humanitarian responsePeople’s capacity and strategies to survive with dignity are integral to the design and approach of humanitarian response.         

 Core Standard 2: Coordination and collaborationHumanitarian response is planned and implemented in coordination with the relevant authorities, humanitarian agencies and civil society organisations engaged in impartial humanitarian action, working together for maximum efficiency, coverage and effectiveness

Core Standard 3: AssessmentThe priority needs of the disaster-affected population are identified through a systematic assessment of the context, risks to ‘life with dignity’, and the capacity of the affected people and relevant authorities to respond.

Core Standard 4: Design and responseThe humanitarian response meets the assessed needs of the disaster-affected population in relation to context, the risks faced and the capacity of the affected people and state to cope and recover.

Core Standard 5: Performance, transparency and learningThe performance of humanitarian agencies is continually examined and communicated to stakeholders; projects are adapted in response to performance.

Core Standard 6: Aid worker performanceHumanitarian agencies provide appropriate management, supervisory and psychosocial support, enabling aid workers to have the knowledge, skills, behaviour and attitudes to plan and implement an effective humanitarian response with humanity and respect.


To improve the quality and effectiveness our humaniterian response and accountablity to the crises affected popultation, BRD is adhere to the bellow commitments: 

  1. Communities and people affected by crisis receive assistance appropriate and relevant to their needs.
  2. Communities and people affected by crisis have access to the humanitarian assistance they need at the right time.
  3. Communities and people affected by crisis are not negatively affected and are more prepared, resilient and less at-risk as a result of humanitarian action.
  4. Communities and people affected by crisis know their rights and entitlements, have access to information and participate in decisions that affect them.
  5. Communities and people affected by crisis have access to safe and responsive mechanisms to handle complaints.
  6. Communities and people affected by crisis receive coordinated, complementary assistance.
  7. Communities and people affected by crisis can expect delivery of improved assistance as organisations learn from experience and reflection.
  8. Communities and people affected by crisis receive the assistance they require from competent and well-managed staff and volunteers.
  9. Communities and people affected by crisis can expect that the organisations assisting them are managing resources effectively, efficiently and ethically.


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© 2022 Bureau for Rights Based Development | دحقونو پر بنسټ پراختیایی موسسه

made with 🧡  by Emeka and Karina


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To donate, please contact us at info@brd.org.af.

Thank you for your understanding at this difficult time!

BRD Team